art camp for grown-ups
9 AM-5PM
More dates are
coming soon
This summer we have something exciting for the grown-ups. Finally! No need to be envious when you leave your child in the studio anymore. Give yourself the gift of a super fun day and go to the art camp for real! Even better: go to an all-day art camp. This is a pilot program (in addition to the new ALL DAY ART for teens), created with more mature and busy students in mind. The longer day allows for a slower pace as well as time to rest and recharge. The program for adults has all the perks of camp for teens (field trips, fun challenging projects, social time, etc.) yet offers even more flexibility. The day will be split into two sessions during which we will be working on separate projects. We will try our hand in different mediums, techniques, genres, and subjects. We will talk about art and artists, share ideas and observations, and simply enjoy nature, short Sirin van rides and each other’s company. The theme and projects of the day will be announced in advance. We will start with the projects that can be completed in one day. In the future we might expand to longer (2+ days) sessions and include ceramics.
Cost $165 / day

Example of the schedule:
Morning session
9:00 – 9:30 Morning coffee, driving to the day’s location.
9:30 – 12:30 Working on the project (example: plein air painting in the park);
1:00 – 2:00 Lunch break (eat locally, order in, or enjoy you own packed lunch in our shady backyard or in the studio)
Afternoon session
2:00 – 5:00 Studio project (example: still life, botanicals, intro to portrait etc.)